Terezakis works and projects in Art and Technology including Sacred Sky Sacred Earth, Healing Light, All the Names of God, and other works of art from 1974 until....

Family History

Up One Level
ZOE, Peter Terezakis 1995 Reading Public Mueseum
ΖΩΗ,  Peter TerezakisReading Public Museum, 1995 Dancer:  Jennifer Azman  Visitors (or a dancer) were able to make their own music (and light show) by moving through the volume.  This computer-mediated participatory environment was an event-based sculptural metaphor for the cycle of life (Zoe),  whose materials were sound, light, human movement, and time.  

A computer mediated participatory installation.
Light, shadow, sound, and movement.

The Reading Public Museum, 1995

Special thanks to my brother
Terry Terezakis,
who gave up his summer vacation
to help construct this work
and to
Robert Metzger, Ph.D., Museum Director;
and Richard Humphrey
for boundless support,

And the staff and friends of the Museum
who never complained about my long hours or
burning a hole in the carpet of the gallery.

Special thanks to Jennifer Azman
who made the work come alive in such a different way.

Up One Level