American English version of Terezakis website
Terezakis collected works and projects in Art and Technology including Sacred Sky Sacred Earth, Healing Light, Interactive Environments, All the Names of God, and other constructivist works of art and investigation from 1974 to today, including performance, dance, and original music. This site includes secure shopping, books, limited edition prints, music, original and limited series objects, posters, and videos.
Greek Version of Peter Terezakis website Terezakis website

Up One Level

BETRAYAL:  1904 - 1996

Betrayal, of what,
of whom,
and for what?

What happened during those years?
Those lifetimes?
That moment?

Why this place?
This landscape?

Strong voices cry out
turn to light
just as quickly

What does it mean?
Why is it here,

Why this body?
Why these thoughts?

Why change energy from one form into another?
Why make the invisible visible?

Why create something
that is not meant to last?

Why all of the fuss,
the work,
all this bother?

Why this pain?

Why are
the currency of life?

When this is gone,
only memory remains.
this also
is no more.
Stillness follows struggle.

Must the darkness always


In Memory of my grandmother,
Maria Torges
and the spirit of her generation.

Many thanks to all of the wonderful people that I have had the opportunity
to meet during my stay in Portugal,
especially to those individuals that helped to
create this special moment, allowing me to form the thoughts and gather
the local materials from which both of these works were made:

Mme. Chantal Tremblay,
Luis Alcobia, Luis Leal, Luis Pedro, Paula, Pedro Garcia, Jose Madeira,
Jose Maria , Paulo Oliveira, Rui Valdez, and to Truncata Florists.

Up One Level